Together for a better
future. Let’s help each

About us

With the support of private funding from over 2.000 benefactors, friends and supporters in Germany we -as community and family- engage the existential needs of people in poor conditions around the world. We are now getting started in America and we are hoping for your support!

Capacity building

All our projects in the poor parts of the world are managed by local staff who can rely on well-established and elaborated structures. We help them to consolidate and expand their network and infrastructure.

Human strength

„Helping people to help themselves“ is our goal, as is our commitment to greater justice and protection for the weakest in society.

Values and ethics

We emphasize charity among people, sharing kindness and compassion regardless of religion, ethnicity, race or gender. CED is standing up for religious freedom and peace among people.

Thank you for your interest in supporting us!

We are just getting started

Please mail us your email address or your ideas of support and we will inform you immediately, as soon as our donation platform is available. All donations are tax deductible.
Thank you!

What we do

With the support of private funding from over 2.000 benefactors, friends and supporters in Germany we -as community and family- engage the existential needs of people in poor conditions around the world. We are now getting started in America and we are hoping for your support! We want to set the foundation that allows long-term self-development for people in need. We construct, expand and give support in areas we perceive to be in dire need.

The aid measures supported by the CED are already improving the living conditions of around half a million people.

Enabling school education and training

Improving nutrition programs

Medical care for medically underserved regions

Supporting vulnerable children and families affected by HIV/AIDS

Constructing schools and medical units

Establishing homes for orphans, disabled and homeless people

Where we work

Our aid is localized in underdeveloped and poor regions

Dominican Republic
South Africa

Kolkata, Mangalore, Chennai, Kozhikode

Completed missions
Dominican Republic
South Africa
Ongoing work

Successful stories of our accomplishments

Since 1992 the CED has enabled the creation of more than 2.000 school and training places for children from poor districts, basic medical care for half a million people in medically underserved regions, more than 1 million meals for the poor, 20 construction projects for the homeless and poor, and much more.‘

Below we would like to share three stories of projects we have accomplished in the last years.

Tackling homelessness in India

Besides children, the elderly are the losers in Indian society. Even through a busy life full of work and privation, many of them cannot finance their livelihood from the meager pension – if they receive one at all. Those who have no family and can no longer work often end up homeless on the streets, where they are at the mercy of brutal and merciless conditions.

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For more than 100 years the „Little Sisters of the Poor“ have been running their homes for the homeless, poor and needy elderly people in India. „Little Sisters“ have no fixed income and are dependent on private donors. In 1992, CED’s commitment in India began with support of construction of “St. Joseph’s Home” in Kolkata. Since then, CED has helped regularly with the maintenance of the home and also helped to construct additional homes for the poor in different parts of India e.g. Mangalore, Chennai, Jabalpur and Kerala.

This way the living conditions for many hundreds of old, sick and homeless people throughout the past decades were able to be sustainably improved.

Promotion of girls and women for the development of Tanzania

In Tanzania, approximately 36 million people live in rural areas characterised by severe poverty. Violence against women and children is widespread. Many children have no or very poor primary education, although school attendance is compulsory until their 15th birthday. Miles and miles of  paths through impassable terrain, illness, poor learning conditions at home and a lack of money for learning materials lead to frequent absences from school. The literacy rate is estimated at 69% and is generally lower for girls than boys.

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One of the poorest regions of the country is Singida province. Here in this region, the CED supports children with primary schooling and further education. Since 1999, the CED has supported the education of needy children and young people and has contributed to the fact that today the former students have a job and can provide for themselves and their families. In this way they contribute to the development of the entire region – as teachers, nurses, doctors, health and social workers or even nuns. Every year, around 200 children in Singida receive training from the CED. By successfully completing their education, they are empowered to take responsibility in their country and to actively participate in creating and maintaining a peaceful and just society.

"Many lives have been touched and transformed by your efforts, many families have found their footing, dignity and self-respect because you have supported them to stand on their own feet and write their own future by sponsoring uncountable rural girls! Your outreach in Tanzania has unlocked thousands of good contributions to our community as most of the women are now university lectures like me, doctors, pharmacists, nurses, midwives, bank officers, police officers and others. So it is great joy to celebrate and thanking God each time we think of you our sponsors for love and vital support you accorded us as your significant and valuable contributions has yielded tremendous fruits to us."

Anastasiaa former student of the CED

Combating malnutrition by providing meals in Ayacucho, Peru

Every fourth child in Peru is unable to develop his or her mental and physical abilities sufficiently due to malnutrition. Apart from the children, old and single people from rural areas are affected by hunger. The number of needy senior citizens is particularly high in Ayacucho, a city in the Andes where almost the entire generation between 14 and 40 years of age fell victim to the bloody civil war 25 years ago.

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In view of this situation, the Jesuits have set up lunch tables (Spanish: „comedores“) in the rural surroundings of Ayacucho, high in the Peruvian Andes, where children, young people and old people receive a warm lunch.

Greenhouses have also been built and other food security programs promoted to enable people to provide for themselves, especially in remote mountain regions.

Four soup kitchens in Chuschi, Cangallo, Putica and Pampacangallo are currently financed by CED donations. In addition, CED supports a lunchtime meal for children from the poor quarters in the El Agustino district of Lima. In this way, every day more than 170 people receive not only a meal, but also a bit of support and comfort.

Helping people in need

Rewarded with excellency.

The CED was founded in 1992 by Dr Susanne Pechel, a physician in the field of tropical medicine, with a passion to help people in need in poor regions of the world. Since then she has been running CED on a voluntary basis together with full-time employees in CED office. Her dedication has influenced and inspired many people to join CED and to help people who have no access to education, food, medical care or other existential needs.The work of CED has not been gone unnoticed. Over the years Dr Pechel and CED have been rewarded in several fields e.g. the Federal Cross of Merit by the Federal Republic of Germany, the Foundation Award of inVITATIO, the Women’s Magazine AWARD „Emotion“.

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CED helpers and supporters live in America today and would like to establish their commitment to the poor and needy through the help of CED. Therefore a public charity organization „CED“ was founded in New York in November 2019 and now is looking for helpers and support!

More information will follow soon!